Category: Inktober 2020


#inktober2020 Prompt 17: STORM

STUDENT #16Name: Arashi TsuguoGender: ⁣ Among the students in Class of 2020, Arashi possessed the strongest power. He can manipulate the weather at his will. However, he can only change the weather once a day...


#inktober2020 Prompt 16: ROCKET

STUDENT #15Name: Kamekazu AkaboriGender: ⁣ It’s a bird!It’s a plane! No, it’s a rocketeer! Kamekazu is just like Yukie (Prompt Day 7), coming from a rich family. His family specializes in creating and inventing gadgets....


#inktober2020 Prompt 15: OUTPOST

STUDENT #14⁣Name: Moneri KogaGender: ⁣ Moneri is an aspiring mangaka. Thus, she needs lots of references, especially regarding the locations. Her first project is to create a one-shot on life as a student.⁣⁣Thus, she built...


#inktober2020 Prompt 14: ARMOR

STUDENT #13Name: Naoji IrieGender: ⁣ “A ferocious knight who will defend his kingdom at all costs. His strength has been proven when he single-handedly negated a surprise attack by an army in just one night....


#inktober2020 Prompt 13: DUNE

STUDENT #12⁣Name: Kohiro TokawaGender: ⁣ A free-spirited girl. Her interest is very unique compared to the others. On every trip to the beach she has made so far, she will at least build a sandcastle...

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