Buddy #2 Reveal: SHIRAYUKI CHIE

Hello, it’s me again! I’m very happy to announced that this website, knuua.com, has been in operation for 100 days! Even though I might be lacking in doing my own art for now, but I’m very happy that within these 100 days, I’ve met several talented artists and they all done their best to make one of my wish come true, to visualize how my OC looks like. Once all of these 4 OCs are done, I will focus with drawing them in different and random instances!
Today, we shall move on to reveal Kasumi’s 2nd buddy!
Her name is Shirayuki Chie! ( 白雪 知映 )
Chie is very unique as she is the only one to be born outside of Japan (in Sarawak, Malaysia). Since I’m a local Sarawakian, I felt that I need to create a character that represents my heritage (Just like Chie, I’m also half-Chinese) and the place where I was born and raised.
But how can she still be Japanese though? Simple, ‘coz her father is Japanese. But the procedure to ensure she gets the Japanese nationality is quite tricky, but it shall be explained in her lore tomorrow, posted as Chapter 3. Be sure to not miss it!
For Chie, I commissioned Hani Hani to design her. Her art style is very distinct from the artists I have worked so far, particularly how she draws her characters’ faces. Based on Hani’s other artworks, I assigned her with Chie, as I felt that she can capture the pureness of this character. Out of all the 4 characters, she can be said to be the most “SEISO”. Oh, and she’s also the one who draws Umi Sonoda’s birthday artwork 3 days ago! If you haven’t seen it, do check it out here!
(Very contrary to this upcoming Buddy #3,… She would be the total opposite to Chie *cough*)
You can read more about Chie on this page! >>> [Chie’s Bio]
The next reveal shall be on 28 March 2021! I’ll slip a little clue for this next one:
“Blonde. Traditional. Bound.”
Stay tuned for the next reveal in 10 days! 😀
P.s.: Holidays are coming soon, and I’m gonna continue with the prompts again! 😀
– kei
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