
Hello everyone! Welcome to “knuua”!
Previously, I was known as “kei.niwa”. Today marks my 30th birthday, and I want to be specific on what I’m very passionate about. After lots of experiments in my 20s, I decided to begin improving in my drawing. And here will be the platform of where I’ll keep all my progress so far.
Question is, what is “knuua”? Originally, I want to name it as “knwa”, which contains 4 letters from my original nickname. However, because it is also the acronym to a TV station in the US, I changed the “w” into literally, “double u” to avoid the clash.
Also, it’s a very strange coincidence when “KNWA” stands for “Kei Never Walks Alone”. At this point, you should know which football club I’m supporting.
Right, that’s it for the intro. More updates will come soon!
– kei
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