Buddy #1 Reveal: AKIHA MIEKO

Hello, I’m back for a while! BTW, Happy International Women’s Day!
As promised, today, I’m going to introduce the first of Kasumi’s 3 buddies.
Her name is Akiha Mieko! ( 秋葉 美恵子 )
As I mentioned in Kasumi’s intro post, Kasumi is accompanied with her three buddies whom she met in high school. All of them have their own issues back in middle school, and they were not very close at first. But after they tried to understand each other, they eventually become good buddies and stick together even in their 20s.
I want to give a special shout-out to Tato, who has introduced me to lots of potential artists. I decided to have the 3 buddies to be designed by the three artists that she recommended. After looking at how each of them turned out, each of the artists were able to capture the feel of the characters and they done a really good job in designing them.
For Mieko, I commissioned ShamshirHassan1985 (Sham) to design her. Most of the characters that Sham designed shown bright and cheerful personality. He does some serious-looking characters too, but he still kept his usual style. Thus, Sham is the perfect one to design Mieko, the maid who has a very cheerful personality and always seen smiling.
You can read more about Mieko on this page! >>> [Mieko’s Bio]
Mieko’s lore will be posted as Chapter 2 tomorrow. Make sure you don’t miss it!
The next reveal shall be on 18 March 2021! I’ll slip a little clue for this next one:
“Geek. Angelic. Flag colour.”
Stay tuned for the next reveal in 10 days! 😀
– kei
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