Buddy #3 Reveal: KUON NATSUKI

Hello, I’m back! And I’m very sorry that I made this reveal later than scheduled because I was out at town today. I finally got my hands on something, but that is something that I will save for another future post. For now, I am going to proudly reveal Kasumi’s 3rd buddy!
Introducing, Kuon Natsuki! ( 権 夏姫 )
I’ve always wanted to have a gyaru character in my story, so with Natsuki completed, I finally have one! As a gyaru, we know her perks very well, she keeps up with all the trendy stuffs. But I feel like her character would be bland if we only know her just as a gyaru.
Around 2 months before Kasumi’s creation, I stumbled upon a video of a “kinbaku” performance. I have always thought “kinbaku” (or commonly known as “shibari”) is often associated with bondage in sex. However, after digging deeper into it, I found out that “kinbaku” is a form of art, where there is a deep and affectionate connection between the rope master, and the tied person. As I watched more and more of the performances, I started to appreciate the beauty of “kinbaku” art.
Thus, I embodied my recent appreciation to “kinbaku” art into Natsuki’s character. “Kuon” is a very traditional name, and it means “dominance” and “power”, which makes sense with her position as the rope master. I will explain more about Natsuki’s family background in tomorrow’s lore, posted as Chapter 4. Look forward to it!
For Natsuki, I seek the help from Noyu, an artist who draws really cute and charming characters. But as you go through her gallery, there will be some “steamy” arts, but still keeping the cute aesthetics. I felt that Noyu is the best artist to design Natsuki, as she is able to capture Natsuki’s cute appearance but at the same time, her “naughtiness” when doing “kinbaku” sessions. I understand well that not all artists are into NSFW, and even if there are, some might prefer to not make it too hardcore. Thus, Natsuki’s NSFW level is just about right, not too safe, and not too hardcore either.
You can read more about Natsuki on this page! >>> [Natsuki’s Bio]
Right, it has been a heck of a month, but finally I have revealed all of Kasumi’s 3 buddies! There will be more moments with all 4 of them from now on. Plus, I have already commissioned several artists to do arts based on them, and I will be sharing them, and featuring the artists from time to time.
For now, I’m gonna chill and enjoy the item that I have bought earlier at town, and ease my mind before continuing my Inktober prompt tomorrow. I have a week of break to spare, and I’m gonna make full use of it!
Until then, see you all on the next update! 😀
– kei
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